Certification Information
Certified Teachers by Master Han Jingchen
About Hanshi Yiquan Teachers
Hanshi Yiquan has credentialed disciples and certified teachers throughout China, Japan, and in the U.S. states of California and Hawaii. Brief descriptions of each level are provided below.
Credentialed Disciple:
By invitation only. At this level, one becomes part of the Han Shi Yi Quan family in the truest meaning. To attain this level a student must:
- Have and demonstrate ability
- Travel to China at least two times a year to train with Master Han Jingchen
- Commit to spread Han Shi Yi Quan
- Pay a one-time, lifetime fee
There are 2 teacher levels, Certified Primary Teacher and Certified Intermediate Teacher.
To become a teacher a student must first complete the Beginning Teaching Program which will take approximately 3 years depending on the student. After completing the Beginning Teaching Program, the student receives a Certificate of Completion Beginning Teaching Program.
After graduating from the Beginning Teaching Program, the student can petition to become a Certified Primary Teacher. To do so they will have to accept the following conditions:
Certified Primary Teacher.
- Teach only Han Shi Yi Quan.
- Pass an examination to demonstrate they have acquired the skills, knowledge and understanding of the Han Shi Yi Quan principles required to be a Primary Teacher.
- Each year they will receive ongoing training at no cost from Master Han Jingchen during his visits.
- When they successfully pass they will repeat testing and pay $500 licensing fee each year.
Certified Intermediate Teacher
- In order to become an Intermediate Teacher, Master Han Jingchen will advise the Primary Teacher when they are ready to move to this level. The examination and annual licensing process is the same as for the Primary Teacher
Why a licensed Han Shi Yi Quan Certified Primary or Intermediate Teacher?
The reality is that in today’s world Han Shi Yi Quan is the only remaining direct link to Yi Quan’s founder Master Wang Xiang Zhai’s Yi Quan. Most of today’s Yi Quan is diluted by practitioners’ own interpretation, much like the dilution of modern Kung Fu. These diluted arts were originally the subject of Master Wang Xiang Zhai’s intense criticism as he wrote in the weekly Beijing newspaper inviting discourse and sharing of thought or even testing.
The Han brothers Master Han Xingqiao and Master Han Xingyuen were the longest term and closest of Master Wang Xiang Zhai’s students having lived and trained with him for 15 plus years. They were even informally adopted by him to assist in establishing the Beijing school and were part of the Four Diamonds who met all challenges and there were many.
Master Han Jingchen’s purpose is to maintain the purity and integrity of this legacy through Han Shi Yi Quan. To do this a requirement to become a Certified Primary or Intermediate Teacher is to only teach Han Shi Yi Quan.
“The licensing requirement is not intended for gaining any fame or glorifying my school. This is because of the essential difference between our natural able movements (for which HSYQ is the sole and only martial art) and the technical movements. There is no overlapping between these two kinds of movements. The difference is not on which is right or wrong, which is better or worse, but fundamentally on which is natural or not natural.”
Han Jingchen
These are the reasons for the Certified Primary Teacher and Certified Intermediate Teacher licensing. This provides many checkpoints to control the quality and purity of what is being taught and to insure the continuance of the original art’s principles.
Tutor/Teacher in Training:
These teachers-in-training assist students in practice under a certified teacher or credentialed disciple.
To learn more, please contact info@hanshiyiquan.us